Favorites 💓

Favorites 💓

  1. https://www.helpscout.com/helpu/customer-service-tips/ #CustomerCare #Tips
  2. https://www.zendesk.com/in/blog/guide-putting-care-back-customer-care/#georedirect  #CustomerCare #Tips
  3. https://www.helpscout.com/blog/support-lexicon/  #CustomerCare #Tips
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcSu7SGuYPE  #Dog #astrology #Rashi #Cancer #karka
  5. https://farmergrows.com/vinca-leaves-curling/  [ #Periwinkle #Leaf #Curl issue]
  6. https://www.mynicegarden.com/2010/10/caterpillars-and-periwinkles.html  [ Precisely my problem #Periwinkle leaves eaten to bald by #Caterpillars #OleanderMothCaterpillar ]
  7. https://abagillon.blogspot.com/  [Perfect #Gardening #Story-Telling #Blog]
  8. https://www.mynicegarden.com/ [Perfect #Gardening #Story-Telling #Blog ; another]
  9. https://www.hinduismoutlook.com/ [All about Mantras, Hindu God Goddesses, Spiritual Enlightenment. Especially those who are already familiar with basics of Hindu tradition and Gods.]
  10. https://www.hinduwebsite.com/ [Hinduwebsite.com is the real Hindu Website in the original sense, providing information on all the Santana Dharmas that originated in the Indian Subcontinent. We provide unique and original resources on the beliefs, philosophy and essential practices of the following religions: #Sanatana #Dharma, known as #Hinduism or #Hindu Dharma, Buddhism or Buddha Dharma, Jainism or Jain Dharma, Sikhism or Sikh Dharma, and #Zoroastrianism, as articles, videos, essays, translations, commentaries, scriptures, discussions and books.]

Else where on Social Networks:

Trying strongly to get away from FB which is always a matter of my strong dislike but then all my connections of childhood, friends and families are on FB.


Summers are getting wild and Hot Every Year - The excellent article @ http://blog.nurserylive.com on indoor plants that double up as humidifier as well - Link

Few awesome plants which thrive best indoor and even in our bedroom and known to release Oxygen at night. That's make them good for purifying indoor air quality and superb suitable for Bedroom. @ https://www.proflowers.com/


Job Searches

  1. https://www.indeed.co.in/jobs-in-Guwahati,-Assam
  2. https://www.naukri.com/jobs-in-guwahati
  3. https://www.fresherslive.com/search-jobs
  4. https://www.monsterindia.com/search/jobs-in-guwahati?searchId=d4e0db74-bdef-4247-b858-bb35385b5583
  5. https://www.quikr.com/jobs/guwahati+zwqxj760939060
  6. https://www.timesjobs.com
  7. https://www.linkedin.com/in/arnav11g/

(Job Search)

Property registration docs in Assam / India


Details of docs required for property registration in India and specifically in Assam.
(Property Registration)

BajajFinserv  Flexi Loan calculator and personal loan calculator

ICICI Bank Moratorium  and credit pay calculator

Information Technology

How to Create a Data Entry Form in Google Sheets (Step-by-step Guide)
[+Spreadsheets +Scripting +Google sheets]

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Bumper sticker Quotes

No airbags We die like real Man! ---------------------------------------