Saturday, June 13, 2015

10 female inventors you should definitely know about | ONE

You’ve all heard of famous inventors such Galileo (telescope) or Karl Benz (automobile), Alexander Graham Bell (telephone) and Benjamin Franklin (bifocal glasses), but do you know who Grace Hopper and Stephanie Kwolek are?

One of these women invented the first compiler for computer programming, without which it’s fair to say the world would be a very different place, and the other invented Kevlar, a material five times stronger than steel, currently used around the world to protect people from bullets! Now these are very important inventions, but as history shows us, women’s achievements can often be overlooked when it comes to handing out the correct amount of praise.

via 10 female inventors you should definitely know about | ONE | by Clea Guy-Allen

10 Women who deserves attention in modern History and Lifestyle Technology. They made contributions to the relative field at par with their Male counterpart.

Just made me browse through and came across this article after the Noble Prize Winner, Scientist Tim Hunt's sexiest comments on Women in Labs and internet backlash with the trending Hash tag #‎DistractinglySexy‬

Original Quote by Tim Hunt @ a conference fpr women in laboratories ‘fall in love with you and when you criticise them, they cry" #‎DistractinglySexy‬


  1. Reblogged this on Jdawgswords and commented:
    w/o women my life would suck...I just get so tired of men!!! women rock and so often they don't parade up and down the street toting their own let's give them so praise today...


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