Wednesday, July 1, 2015

2015 is getting an extra second and that's a bit of a problem for theinternet | The Verge

What causes leap seconds? Earthquakes, tidal drag, the weather

  • On June 30th at precisely 23:59:59, the world’s atomic clocks will pause for a single second. Or, to be more precise, they’ll change to the uncharted time of 23:59:60 — before ticking over to the more worldly hour of 00:00:00 on the morning of July 1st, 2015.

  • This addition of a leap second, announced by the Paris Observatory this week, is being added to keep terrestrial clocks in step with the vagaries of astronomical time — in this case, the slowing of the Earth’s rotation.

  • when the last leap second was added back in 2012, more than a few sites had trouble keeping pace. As reported by, Foursquare, Reddit, LinkedIn, and StumbledUpon all crashed when the leap second ticked unexpectedly into place.

via 2015 is getting an extra second and that's a bit of a problem for the internet | The Verge.

Also read ::

June 30th is a second too long to keep clocks accurate

The leap second is coming to confuse the internet today

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